
Parts of Notes

Sixteenth Note

A note can have up to three elements: the note head, the stem, and flags. On the right is a Sixteenth note which we learned, on the treble clef, is a G.

Note Head:

Note HeadThe note head, in flute music, is always oval shaped. On this note it is solid. Some notes it may be hollow (We will learn about this later). The note head indicates what pitch should be played.


Note HeadThe stem can point upwards or downwards from the note head. In this case it points upwards. The Stem helps identify the length of the note.


Only notes with very short values have flags. FlagsThis note has two flags and is called a sixteenth note. Flags also help identify the length of the note. The basic lessons will not have any notes this short because of how little time they take.

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