
Content Accuracy Statement

At FluteInfo.com we strive to maintain accurate content. Content found on this site can be divided into two types:

  1. Factual content that has been researched
  2. Opinions expressed and suggestions offered by FluteInfo.com and Jesse Clark

How is Accuracy Accomplished?

This is accomplished by:

  1. Double checking all sources and published material and that content is written by qualified individuals.
  2. Requesting that users report mistakes in factual content.
  3. Requesting that users submit arguments with suggestions and opinions if applicable.
  4. Publishing users suggestions and comments.
  5. Distinction between factual content, suggestions and opinions.


For your convenience, FluteInfo.com provides links to related sites and to advertiser's sites, but is not responsible for the accuracy of their content.

User Submitted Opinions / Discussion:

For your convenience, FluteInfo.com has published users comments. Although these are reviewed prior to being published, FluteInfo.com is not responsible for the accuracy of their content.