There are three sections to a silver flute. There is the head joint: this is where you will blow to make a sound. There is the middle joint: this is where the majority of your fingers will be, and is the largest section. Finally, there is the foot joint: the shorter of the pieces that goes on the end.
First take the head joint and connect it with the middle joint. Make sure you are careful when putting it in, you don't want to damage any keys or pads. Some flutes have a tight fit and others have a loose fit. Never force your flute togeather, if it is sticking, then clean the ends of the two pieces with a rag. You will want to line up the embouchure hole with the keys. Notice in the picture how it is lined up.
Next you will want to line up the foot joint
with the middle joint. Just like above, make sure that you are careful
when putting this piece in, you don't want to damage anything. You want
to line up the pinky key (first button on the flute) with the keys on
the middle joint. The round keys on the end will be turned toward you
just a little. Depending on how long your fingers are, this could also
be rolled out quite a bit.
When you are done it should look like this:
Please note that this is an advanced flute. Your flute may only have 2 keys on the foot joint. To learn more about this click here.